3rd May 2018   Edition One.
In this edition:
Presidents Message,
BCCT committee news,
Mothers day promotion in the Village,
Trust Autumn Walk 6th May.
M2 viaduct bushland regeneration,
Amended hours for Epping Pool,
News from Epping Member Damien Tudehope,
Plympton Rd. Car Park,
Beecroft War Memorial Grant Application.
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Message from the President
There is positive news about the Epacris plants at Cheltenham Oval. Hornsby Council has negotiated with the contractors for the Epacris to be left undisturbed in situ with the position of the sporting facilities building to be slightly relocated.  I have a picture of the Epacris below. 
Don’t get too excited about this plant. It’s small, prickly and probably not the first choice for your garden. But, it is very uncommon and protected by law.

Although I wasn’t in Beecroft on Anzac Day, I understand from my Trust Committee colleagues that ceremony drew big crowds including children, teenagers and young adults.

The weather was good and the marching bands were great. I may have provided the incorrect start time in our previous  eNews.  I obtained the time from the brochure we all received in our letterboxes earlier in the week - I apologise if it caused any inconvenience.
With respect to the proposed seniors housing at 6 -8 Malton Road Beecroft, the Trust still has serious concerns that the development does not comply with the required access grades to the shops. The Trust, and residents who have previously objected, will have another opportunity to speak on this matter this coming Friday at the Land and Environment Court at 225 Macquarie Street commencing at 2.30pm.  

Ross Walker
Latest news from the Trust committee
At our May committee meeting two secretaries were appointed; Bill Rankine will manage matters within Parramatta City Council and Michael Book, who will deal with matters in Hornsby Council area.   
Following our announcement that the committee intended to discontinue the Trust’s Facebook page, we have been approached by more than one resident who is prepared to take over management of the BCCT Facebook page.
Mothers Day Promotion at Beecroft Shopping Centre on 6th May, 9am to 2pm.
Jaythene Hiscock from Sparks Shoes has been working with other Beecroft shop owners and they have registered “Beecroft Businesses Inc”.
Beecroft Businesses will be holding a Mother’s Day Community Event on Sunday 6th May (the week before Mother’s Day) from 9am to 2pm. 
The Trust encourages the community to support our local shopkeepers and keep the village spirit alive. There will be stalls from various community groups as well. So come along and find out what makes Beecroft so special.
                               Mothers day is on Sunday the 13 of May
Autumn Walk this coming Sunday 6th May from 2pm to 4 pm at the end of Welham Street Beecroft
 After attending the Mother’s Day festivities at Beecroft shops, wander down to the end of Welham Street and be entertained by joining an informative walk through Chilworth Reserve and Ray Park. It will be a fairly long walk so wear a hat and a pair of sturdy walking shoes.  There will be a talk on local history from Rod Best, Chair of our local history group, and an update on changes to Ray Park from Dorothy Doolan.  Afternoon tea will be served on completion of the walk back at the Scout Hall located below Welham Street. All welcome, just turn up.  If the weather is very bad; contact Ross on 0412 257 556.
M2 viaduct bushland regeneration
 When the M2 viaduct was widened by Transurban about 5 years ago, they used contractors not familiar with bushcare and created a serious weed problem between the bushland and the southern side of the M2. The Trust, local bushcare volunteers and Hornsby Council, approached Transurban about the problem and requested that Transurban remove the weed infestation.  To Transurban’s credit they acknowledged their mistake and provided funding to Council to engage properly qualified bushcare contractors to carry out the remediation work.
Due to incorrect PH levels in the soil, it has taken more than two years to correct the imbalance before locally indigenous plant stock from Hornsby Council’s nursery can now be planted into the ground.  The Autumn Walk will be visiting this site.

Amended hours for Epping Pool
Parramatta Councillor Donna Davis has kindly provided us with an update of opening hours from Parramatta Council. The details are reproduced below.  
After feedback on our initial winter hours, we (Parramatta Council) have now revised these to the below times starting Monday 23rdApril:
Monday                             5:30am – 9:30am                3:30pm – 7:00pm
Tuesday                            8:00am – 12:00pm              3:30pm – 7:00pm
Wednesday                       5:30am – 9:30am                3:30pm – 7:00pm
Thursday                           8:00am – 12:00pm              3:30pm – 7:00pm
Friday                                5:30am – 9:30am                3:30pm – 7:00pm
Saturday & Sunday           8:00am – 4:00pm

Regular news from our Member for Epping, Mr Damien Tudehope
Damien Tudehope, our Member for Epping, has been providing residents on his mailing list with regular newsletters. The Trust has now created a link in our eNews to where these newsletters can be viewed.  The latest information from Damien refers to an update on the Station Link Bus Services to Replace Epping-Chatswood Trains from the 30th September 2018. Click here for the latest newsletter.

Plympton Road car park upgrade
A short follow up on the Plympton Road car park. Expect disruption for about two months, but also spare a thought for the local shop keepers. This is a time when the community needs to support the retailers, who will do it tough for the foreseeable future. For those of us who are physically mobile, there is plenty of parking in the streets surrounding the shops.

Beecroft War Memorial Grant Application
The Trust has submitted a loan application to the Department of Veterans Affairs. The application, for up to $10,000, requests funds to contribute to the repositioning of the smaller war memorials next to the large WW1 – WW2 memorial.  As part of the re-landscaping of the railway station gardens, the memorials will be repositioned to be together. By working with Council’s Parks and Gardens staff the Trust was able to submit a very detailed request. 

Our State Member Damien Tudehope was a key player in the process, by alerting the Trust to the grant application and then providing a letter of support to accompany our application.
Annual Memberships for 2018 are now Due... CLICK HERE
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member!

To support or join the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust, please visit our website. CLICK HERE.

The eNews has become our main method for disseminating information to the community. Currently we have over 1040 email addresses, up from 900 two months ago.  We encourage residents who receive the eNews to tell their neighbours and friends.  The eNews letter is available to all who subscribe.  Trust Membership is not a requirement. 

The eNews archives are available HERE.  To subscribe to the eNews: CLICK HERE.

At this stage, the Trust will continue to distribute the printed bulletin as not everyone uses the internet.  We are continuing to looking for volunteers who like walking and who may be able to distribute approximately 100 Bulletins a couple of times per year, as this is all done by kind members of our community. If you are able to help out, even as an occasional fill in person, please contact

The Trust has always had an unwritten policy to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.

Kind regards,
Ross Walker

Copyright © 2018, All rights reserved.
BCCT eNews July 2017
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